Research Groups
Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy Group
Quantum State of Matter
Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy Group, led by Prof. Qihua Xiong, adjunct scientist of BAQIS and professor of Tsinghua University, consists of 14 members (6 full-time). This is a team of physicists pursuing physics at extreme conditions and striving for research excellence. Their research focuses on the ultrafast dynamics and transient interactions in emergent quantum materials, which will provide profound insights into the microscopic mechanistic understanding of quantum materials and solutions for designing unprecedented quantum devices.
Group Leader: Qihua Xiong
Research Directions:
The Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy Group focus the light-matter interactions in emergent quantum materials and nanoscale structures, with an emphasis on new quasipartilces derived from strong light-matter interactions, their ultrafast response and dynamics to external stimuli, and technologically relevant quantum devices. Our advanced laser spectroscopy covers a broad spectral range from ultraviolet, visible, infrared and THz, and a temporal resolution down femtoseconds.
Representative Publications from Team Members: (* corresponding authorship)
1. R. Su, S. Ghosh, J. Wang, S. Liu, C. Diederichs, T.C.H. Liew*, Qihua Xiong*, “Observation of exciton polariton condensation in a perovskite lattice at room temperature”, Nature Physics 16, 301-306 (2020)
2. X. Zhang, H.-Y. Song, X. C. Nie, S.-B. Liu, Y. Wang, C.-Y. Jiang, S.-Z. Zhao, G.F. Chen, J.Q. Meng, Y.-X Duan, and H.Y. Liu*, “Ultrafast hot carrier dynamics of ZrTe5 from time-resolved optical reflectivity”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 125114 (2019)
3. W. Du, J.X. Zhao, W.J. Zhao, S.P. Zhang, H.X. Xu and Qihua Xiong*, “Ultrafast modulation of exciton–plasmon coupling in a monolayer WS2–Ag nanodisk hybrid system”, ACS Photonics 6, 2832-2840 (2019)
4. S. Liu, S.S. Sun*, C.K. Gan*, A. Granados del Aguila, Y.N. Fang, J. Xing, T. Thu Ha Do, T.J. White, H.G. Li, W. Huang and Qihua Xiong*, “Manipulating efficient light emission in two-dimensional perovskite crystals by pressure-induced anisotropic deformation”, Science Advances 5, eaav9445 (2019) (Highlighted by Nature website and Nature Review Chemistry journal)
5. R. Su, J. Wang, J.X. Zhao, J. Xing, W.J. Zhao, C. Diederichs, T. C.H. Liew* and Qihua Xiong*, “Room temperature long-range coherent exciton polariton condensate flow in lead halide perovskites”, Science Advances 4, eaau0244, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau0244 (2018)