Tian Pei
Tian Pei

Associate Research Scientist (PI)
Division of Quantum Computation
Office 605
Email: peitian@baqis.ac.cn

Research Group: Quantum-Dot Based Quantum Computing Group

Dr. Pei received his B.S. degree from School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2008, and Ph.D. degree from School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University in 2013. He worked as a postdoctoral research staff in University of Oxford from 2013 to 2019, and joined Quantum Computing and Quantum Communication Division, BAQIS as an Associate Research Scientist (PI). Dr. Pei’s research focuses on quantum transport and spin qubit based on quantum dot devices, made on low dimensional materials such as silicon heterostructures, carbon nanotube, graphene and single molecules. In 2020, BAQIS found quantum dot quantum computing group, led by Dr. Pei and collaborators from Peking University, to explore how to make full use of the advantages of silicon quantum dot devices to build large scale quantum computer. His current work focuses on making single spin qubit with long coherence time and two-qubit gate with high fidelity. Meanwhile, his team will also explore feasible scale-up methods for spin qubits.    


Representative Publication:

1.  J.-K. Li,H.-Z. Wang,J.-Y. Zhang,Y.-J. Song,Z.-S. Guo,C.-G. Yang,X. Lin,J.-J. Zhang,J.-H. Chen,T. Pei. Quantum capacitance properties of the holes in planar germanium. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2023, 122(6), 063102.

2.  W. Niu,S. Sopp,A. Lodi,A. Gee,F. Kong,T. Pei,P. Gehring,J. N?gele,C. S. Lau,J. Ma,J. Liu,A. Narita,J. Mol,M. Burghard,K. Müllen,Y. Mai,X. Feng,L. Bogani. Exceptionally clean single-electron transistors from solutions of molecular graphene nanoribbons. Nat. Mater. 2023, 22(2), 180–185.

3.  T. Pei,J. O. Thomas,S. Sopp,M.-Y. Tsang,N. Dotti,J. Baugh,N. F. Chilton,S. Cardona-Serra,A. Gaita-Ari?o,H. L. Anderson,L. Bogani. Exchange-induced spin polarization in a single magnetic molecule junction. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13(1), 4506.

4. Y. Wen, N. Ares, F. J. Schupp, T. Pei, G. A. D. Briggs, E. A. Laird. A coherent nanomechanical oscillator driven by single-electron tunnelling. Nature Physics, 16, 75, (2020).

5. Y. Wen, N. Ares, T. Pei, G. A. D. Briggs, E. A. Laird. Measuring carbon nanotube vibrations using a single-electron transistor as a fast linear amplifier. Applied Physics Letters, 113(15), 153101, (2018).

6. T. Pei, A. Pályi, M. Mergenthaler, N. Ares, A. Mavalankar, J. H. Warner, G. A. D. Briggs, E. A. Laird. Hyperfine and spin-orbit coupling effects on decay of spin-valley states in a carbon nanotube. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 177701, (2017).

7. A. Mavalankar, T. Pei, E. M. Gauger, J. H. Warner, G. A. D. Briggs, and E. A. Laird. Photon-assisted tunnelling and charge dephasing in a carbon nanotube double quantum dot. Physical Review B. 93, 235428, (2016).

8. N. Ares, T. Pei, A. Mavalankar, M. Mergenthaler, Jamie H. Warner, G. A. D. Briggs, and E. A. Laird. Resonant opto-mechanics with a vibrating carbon nanotube and a radio-frequency cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 170801, (2016).

9. T. Pei, P. P. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, C. G. Qiu, S. B. Liang, Y. J. Yang, S. Wang, L.-M. Peng. Modularized Construction of General Integrated Circuits on Individual Carbon Nanotubes. Nano letters 14 (6), 3102-3109, (2014).