QSDC research group make progress in the field of access authentication for quantum communication networks
Recently, Professor Gui-Lu Long and Associate Researcher Min Wang from the Quantum Secure Direct Communication (QSDC) group at the Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS) made progress in access authentication for quantum communication networks.2024/11/19
Progress in the study of semiconductor quantum dot array
Recently, Hongqi Xu's group from BAQIS/Peking University, in collaboration with Jianhua Zhao-Dong Pan's group from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has achieved an integrated device carrying two single-electron charge sensors and a coupled one-dimensional quintuple-quantum-dot (QQD) array based on a semiconductor indium arsenide (InAs) nanowire, utilizing the cutting-edge nanofabrication techniques.2024/11/11
A new progress in mid-infrared on-chip optical frequency comb
Quantum Cascade Laser Frequency Comb (QCL-FC), as an emerging solid-state radiation source operating in the mid-infrared to terahertz spectral ranges, has attracted widespread attention for its application in fields such as rapid spectroscopy, sensing, and lidar.2024/11/08
Prof. Nanlin Wang’s group and collaborators reported non-volatile optical manipulation of polar order at room temperature in a rare charge density wave material
Experimentally realizing novel quantum phases of matter and manipulating their properties is a centr2024/10/25