Lai Zhou
Associate Research Scientist
Division of Quantum Materials and Devices
Office 506
Email: zhoulai@baqis.ac.cn
Lai Zhou, received his Bachelor and Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2013 and 2018, respectively. he was a postdoctoral research assistant in quantum communication with the University of Oxford from 2019 to 2020. He joined the Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS) in February 2020.
Dr. Zhou’s current research is focused on the long distance quantum key distribution and the quantum networking. He developed the handheld quantum key distribution system (2019), developed a simple and versatile TF-QKD setup without the optical frequency dissemination (2023), and demonstrate the asynchronous MDI-QKD overcoming the linear rate-loss limit without global phase tracking (2023). He was funded by the Youth Science Foundation Project from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2021.
Selected Publications:
1) L Zhou, J P Lin, Y M Jing, and Z L Yuan. “Twin-field quantum key distribution without optical frequency dissemination,” Nature Communications 14, 928 (2023).
2) L Zhou, J P Lin, Y-M Xie, Y-S Lu, Y M Jing, H-L Yin, Z L Yuan. “Experimental quantum communication overcomes the rate-loss limit without optical phase tracking,” Physical Review Letters 130, 250801 (2023). (Editors’ Suggestion and Highlighted in https://physics.aps.org/articles/v16/104)
3) L Zhou, J Lin, Y M Jing, Z L Yuan, “Open quantum channel stabilization for twin-field quantum key distribution”, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (2023).
4) L Zhou, D Lowndes, V Lee, I Mitra, S Gopal, J Rarity, G Faulkner, D O’Brien, “Polarization Calibration Scheme for a Practical Handheld Free Space Quantum Key Distribution link”, IEEE Globecom Workshops (2019).
5) X Wu, MD Soltani, L Zhou, M Safari, H Haas, Hybrid LiFi and WiFi networks: A survey, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23, 1398-1420 (2021).
6) Y B Fan, T T Shi, W J Ji, L Zhou, Y Ji, Z L Yuan, “Low afterpulsing and high count rate InGaAs/InP detectors using ultra-narrowband interference circuits”, Optics Express 31, 7515-7522 (2023).