Renfu Yang
Renfu Yang

Research Scientist (PI)
Division of Quantum Precision Measurement
Office 525

Research Group: Atomic Ensemble Precision Measurement Group

Prof. Yang received his PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2007. He has two overseas working experiences in Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Germany) as a guest scientist in 2007 and in Physics Department, University of California at Berkeley as a visiting scholar during 2013-2014. In other periods before 2019, he has been engaged in the development of novel atomic clocks at the BIRMM.

From September 2019, he joined the Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences as a PI professor and was responsible for establishing a research group in the fields of quantum precision measurements. He and his group at the BAQIS presently focus on developing small SWaP-C quantum sensors including micro CPT atomic clocks, Rydberg atomic electrometers, atomic magnetometer, and diamond NV center.

He has published more than 60 papers and obtained 24 authorized Chinese patents. The atomic clocks developed have been applied in the Beidou GNSS system and the TianGong Space Station as key loads. He has won the Science and Technology Progress Award of Defense (first class) in 2017, the Aerospace Contribution Award of China Space Foundation in 2018, the Science and Technology Progress Award of CASIC (first class) in 2018, the China Patent Gold Award in 2019, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO-SIPO) Award in 2019, the special allowance of the State Council in 2020, and so on. He is adjunct professors of the Xi`an Jiaotong University and the Beijing University of Technology. He also is a people's assessor of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court.

Prof. Yang plans to recruit about 2 postdoctors and 2 doctoral candidate students every year.

Selected Recent Awards:

●  Science and Technology Progress Award of Defense (first class) in 2017

●  Aerospace Contribution Award of China Space Foundation in 2018

●  Science and Technology Progress Award of CASIC (first class) in 2018

●  China Patent Gold Award in 2019

●  World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO-SIPO) Award in 2019

●  The special allowance of the State Council in 2020