Zhiliang Yuan
Chief Scientist (PI)
Division of Quantum Materials and Devices
Office: 508
Email: yuanzl@baqis.ac.cn
Research Group: Quantum Photonics Group
Zhiliang Yuan received his doctoral and post-doctoral training from Institute of Semiconductors, CAS (1993 - 1997) and University of Oxford (1997-2001), respectively. He then spent 20-years at Toshiba Cambridge Laboratory before taking up the prestigious appointment as Chief Scientist at Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS). He was elected as Changjiang Chair Scholar (2023), Fellow of the (UK) Institute of Physics (FInstP) (2021), and Optica Fellow (2023).
He is renowned for high-speed quantum key distribution (QKD) with notable achievements including the first 100 km (2003) and 600km (2020) fiber communication distances as well as the first 1 Mbit/s (2008) and 10 Mbit/s (2018) QKD systems. His other scientific contribution includes the first electrically driven single photon source (2002), self-differencing single-photon detector (2007), directly phase-modulated source (2016) and twin-field QKD protocol (2018). He has published 140+ refereed journal publications, 140+ conference papers including 50+ invited/post-deadline,and 50+ granted US/UK patents.
Selected Publications:
(A more up-to-date list can be found in Google Scholar or Web of Science.)
1. B Wu, X-J Wang, L Liu, G Huang, W Wang, H Liu, H Ni, Z Niu, and Z L Yuan. “Mollow triplets under few-photon excitation,” Optica 10, 1118 – 1123 (2023).
2. L Zhou, J P Lin, Y-M Xie, Y-S Lu, Y M Jing, H-L Yin, Z L Yuan. “Experimental quantum communication overcomes the rate-loss limit without optical phase tracking,” Physical Review Letters 130, 250801(2023).
3. L Zhou, J P Lin, Y M Jing, and Z L Yuan. “Twin-field quantum key distribution without optical frequency dissemination,” Nature Communications 14, 928 (2023).
4. Z Y Yan, T T Shi, Y B Fan, L Zhou, and Z L Yuan. “Compact InGaAs/InP single-photon detector module with ultra-narrowband interference circuits,” Advanced Devices & Instrumentation 4, 0029 (2023).
5. T K Paraiso, T Roger, D G Marangon, I De Marco, M Sanzaro, R I Woodward, J F Dynes, Z L Yuan, and A J Shields, “A photonic integrated quantum secure communication system,” Nature Photonics 15, 850-856 (2021).
6. M Pittaluga, M Minder, M Lucamarini, M Sanzaro, R I Woodward, M-J Li, Z L Yuan, and A J Shields, “600 km repeater-like quantum communication with dual-band stabilisation,” Nature Photonics 15, 530 – 535 (2021).
7. Z L Yuan, A Plews, R Takahashi, K Doi, W Tam, A W Sharpe, A R Dixon, E Lavelle, J F Dynes, A Murakami, M Kujiraoka, M Lucamarini, Y Tanizawa, H Sato, and A J Shields, “10 Mb/s quantum key distribution,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 36, 3427 (2018).
8. M Lucamarini, Z L Yuan, J F Dynes, and A J Shields, “Overcoming the rate-distance limit of quantum key distribution without quantum repeater,” Nature 557, 400–403 (2018).
9. Z L Yuan, B Frohlich, M Lucamarini, G L Roberts, J F Dynes, and A J Shields, “Directly phase-modulated light source,” Physical Review X 6, 031044 (2016).
10. B Fr?hlich, J F Dynes, M Lucamarini, A W Sharpe, Z L Yuan, and A. J. Shields. “A quantum access network,” Nature 501, 69–72 (2013).
11. K A Patel, J F Dynes, I Choi, A W Sharpe, A R Dixon, Z L Yuan, R V Penty, and A J Shields. “Coexistence of high-bit-rate quantum key distribution and data on optical fiber,” Physical Review X 2, 041010 (2012).
12. A R Dixon, Z L Yuan, J F Dynes, A W Sharpe, and A. J. Shields. “Gigahertz decoy quantum key distribution with 1 Mbit/s secure key rate,” Optics Express 16, 18790–18979 (2008).
13. Z L Yuan, B E Kardynal, A W Sharpe, and A J Shields, “High speed single photon detection in the near infrared,” Applied Physics Letters 91, 041114 (2007).
14. C Gobby, Z L Yuan, and A J Shields, “Quantum key distribution over 122 km of standard telecom fiber,” Applied Physics Letters 84, 3762–3764 (2004).
15. Z L Yuan, B E Kardynal, R M Stevenson, A J Shields, C J Lobo, K Cooper, N S Beattie, D A Ritchie, and M Pepper, “Electrically driven single-photon source,” Science 295, 102 (2002).