BAQIS Quantum Science Forum 17-Clifford sampling for quantum circuit characterisation and error mitigation


Date: Oct. 23 2020
Time: 14:00-15:00
Venue: Meeting room 526
Topic: Clifford sampling for quantum circuit characterisation and error mitigation 
Speaker:Ying Li (Associate Professor at Graduate School of CAEP)

Abstract: To perform useful tasks on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computer, we need to employ powerful error mitigation techniques. The quasi-probability method (probabilistic error cancellation) permits perfect error compensation at the cost of additional circuit executions. In this talk, I will present a scalable way to characterise quantum circuits using Clifford sampling. Based on Clifford sampling, we can find the optimal random circuit distribution in error mitigation. This new error mitigation protocol is practical for intermediate-scale quantum computing.   

About the speaker: Ying Li, Associate Professor at Graduate School of CAEP, working on the theory of quantum computation, including fault tolerance, error mitigation, network architecture and algorithms. He obtained Bachelor and Master degrees at Nankai University in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and PhD degree at the National University of Singapore in 2013. Before he joined Graduate School of CAEP in 2017, he worked in the University of Oxford as a postdoctoral researcher for four years