Meet Prof. Denis Arcon on Nov. 23 (Thursday)


Prof. Arcon is currently visiting BAQIS. Please click on "book an appointment" to select a timeslot for a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Arcon. We will send you an email to confirm the appointment. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the International Collaboration Department at

About Prof. Arcon

Denis Arcon received his Bachelor of Science, Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana 1989-1993 and Doctor of Philosophy, Physics, Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1997. He spent his Post-doctoral position at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK from 1997-2000. He became Researcher at the Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana in 2000, Slovenia, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2001 and became the head of Pulsed EPR laboratory; Solid state physics department, Institute Jozef Stefan Institute. He became Professor of Josef Stefan Institute in 2009. He is presently the head of Department of Physics, Jozef Stephane Institute and also Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He was awarded International Union for Materials Research (IUMRS) Award in 1999, Jozef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize in 2008, Ziga Zois Award in 2019 for his outstanding achievements in the fields of quantum magnetism and unusual superconductivity.

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