QPQIS-2023: Registration Open Soon


Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS) will host the 5th International Symposium on Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Sciences (QPQIS-2023).


Date: October 17 – October 19, 2023 (Beijing time).

Venue: Tang Dynasty Hall (BC), Palace Garden Hotel & Resorts, Beijing, China


The theme of QPQIS-2023 will be “Advances in Fundamental Research of Quantum Information Science”.  The main focus will be on quantum computing based on various condensed matter and AMO platforms, including superconducting circuits, semiconductor-based structures, trapped ions and neutral atoms, etc..  The symposium will also explore the connections between quantum information science (QIS) and quantum systems, such as discussing the novel quantum states of matter, materials and devices with promising applications in QIS, and the improved understanding gained from QIS for physics, materials and beyond.  Moreover, new developments in quantum communication and quantum networking will be covered.

  •  Registration is FREE, and will be open at 10:00 AM on 31-July-2023 at: http://qpqis.baqis.ac.cn/2023. QPQIS-2023 is in Onsite Format. The seats are limited and on a first come, first served basis. 

  • Accommodation: BAQIS has reserved a few hotel rooms with discounted rates for those attending the conference in Palace Garden Hotel & Resorts and Palace Garden Hotel (Beijing Yongfeng South Metro Station). Please refer to the registration confirmation email for details regarding your hotel reservation.

  • POSTER SUBMISSIONS are welcome, especially from graduate students and postdocs. Poster presenters are required to register before submitting the posters, and are strongly advised to register early.

For more information, please visit the meeting website: http://qpqis.baqis.ac.cn/2023

Any questions, please contact: qpqis@baqis.ac.cn

Please feel free to forward this webpage to colleagues and students who might be interested.

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