Baiwang Forum 33: Generation, certification and distribution of quantum photonic resources



Date and Time:  8-Sep-2022  15:00

Speaker:  Prof. Rob Thew, senior researcher and group leader in the Quantum Technologies group at the University of Geneva.

Host: Prof. Zhi-Liang Yuan ( BAQIS)

Title: Generation, certification and distribution of quantum photonic resources


I will present some of the work we are doing for single photon and entanglement generation using bulk and integrated photonic sources. I will then show some recent work on certifying single photon sources and a scalable approach to multi-partite entanglement. I will finish by discussing entanglement swapping and work towards developing complex quantum-repeater-based networks.


About the Speaker:

Rob Thew is a senior researcher and group leader in the Quantum Technologies group at the University of Geneva. He studied at the University of Queensland in Australia, completing his honours under the supervision of Profs Gerard Milburn and Bill Munro, before working with Profs Michael Nielsen and Andrew White. He received his PhD from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, in the group of Profs Nicolas Gisin and Hugo Zbinden in 2006. In 2012, with Prof Hugo Zbinden, they started the Quantum technologies group. Rob Thew is an expert in quantum communication, spanning fundamental to applied topics, and from technology development to systems integration. More recently he is also working on quantum sensing in bio and molecular systems. He is chair of the Strategic Research Agenda Work Group in the context of the European Quantum Flagship initiative. He is also the founding Editor-in-Chief for the IOP journal: Quantum Science and Technology.