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Jul 072022Baiwang Forum 28: Quantum-classical entangled approach with tensor networks to investigating quantum spin liquid
Jul 012022BAQIS Quantum Science Forum 70: GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet etching epitaxy as quantum light sources
Jun 232022Baiwang Forum 27: Quantum Cascade Lasers: Enabler for Mid-infrared and Terahertz Photonics
Jun 162022Baiwang Forum 26: Quantum communications at long distances
Jun 162022Baiwang Forum 25: From secure two-way communication and quantum cryptography with classical users to one-time programs
Jun 162022Baiwang Forum 24: On the road from classical to quantum coding
Jun 162022Baiwang Forum - Quantum Communication Day
Jun 082022Baiwang Forum 23: Quantum Classical Hybrid Algorithms for Quantum Chemistry (Especially for Computing Molecular Properties)