Research Scientists on Theory of quantum computation
2021/1/26 17:37:19Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS) is establishing a quantum software team to perform cutting research in the theory of quantum computation and quantum software development, including but not limited to the following subjects:
1. Quantum software architecture and quantum compiler
2. Quantum complexity and quantum circuit optimization
3. Qubit verifications, randomized benchmarking, quantum tomography
4. Quantum error correction and fault tolerance
5. Classical simulations of noisy quantum computer
6. Quantum entanglement and correlation simulation in many-body systems
Position openings in next 3 years:
§ Researchers (3-5 positions),
§ Associate researchers (1-2 positions in each subject),
§ Assistant researchers (3-4 positions in each subject),
§ Scientists and software engineers (5-8 positions in each subject),
§ Postdoc researchers with 2-to-3 year contract (3-5 positions per-year in each subject)
Researchers and postdoc researchers in the quantum software team will work with scientists software engineers, and also collaborate closely with quantum computing hardware team in BAQIS.
Annual Salary:
Researcher: Negotiable salary
Associate researcher: 600,000-700,000 CNY
Assistant researcher: 500,000-600,000 CNY
Scientists and software engineers: Negotiable salary depending on qualification
Postdoc researcher: up to 400,000 CNY
Required Qualifications:
Researcher positions require Ph.D. and/or postdoctoral training in the related disciplines
How to apply:
Applicants should provide a cover letter including the preferred positions and Curriculum Vita with a publication and/or related project list to the search committee coordinator Prof. D. Liu and c.c. for the preliminary screening. The email title should be: BAQIS-QUSOFT-POSTION-YOURNAME